A payroll documentation and control system is a unique development of Eitan Shapir Consultants Office In collaboration with Hanibaal Systems
According to needs identified while working with some of the largest and most influential organizations in the economy.
The system is a modular system which in its full version combines:
- Full documentation of the labor constitution (including the possibility of updating the constitution and supporting wage versions)
- Full documentation of the wage symbols (the wage constitution) for all its characteristics (source of the supplement, those entitled, method of calculation, whether it is a pension, component of the minimum wage and about 20 other characteristics)
- Full documentation of the “source documents” – the various wage agreements and contracts
- Links (“back and forth”) between the salary symbol and the original document from which it was created and the relevant section of the constitution
- System for immediate detection of items such as: wage agreements, specific wage symbol, constitutional clause
- Various salary controls that give salaried employees a real ability to review the data coming from the service bureau that generates the salary (MLM / Hilan / Sinal, etc.)
- Module for assessing wage changes (“influencing and being affected”), used to estimate costs of wage changes, providing wage increases and promoting employees and negotiating wage agreements.
Aradom IT Services Provides its customers with smart outsourcing services with special emphasis on the integration of all computer systems. And providing high added value to its customers. Hanibaal Systems integrates the Document Management Systems of various types with Aradom customers who are interested.
Hanibaal Information Systems together with Soft Copy Upgrading the field of Document Management System for various clients.
Hanibaal Information System and Soft Copy Group provide the end customer with solutions that are at the forefront of solutions in the field of documents Scanning.